Your glossary in sustainable fashion

Discover the deeper meaning behind the topics you care about and find new impact areas to tackle when you are browsing on Renoon.

For anything you want to wear there is a more responsible option.


Environmental Protection

Protecting and restoring nature is one of our modern life’s priorities. Fashion is one of the most polluting industries: it surpasses aviation and transportation combined. Although we sometimes might feel the pressure, we live in exciting times in which we can combine our style and sense of responsibility for our planet Earth in easy ways. From restoring forests to saving the oceans, you can find brands and products that share your same views and help you contribute to initiatives you care about, whilst giving you the style you need for your everyday life.

eco packaging
save the oceans
lower emissions
save water
forest friendly
Human Wellbeing

Having an impact on people: not only those around us, but all the individuals that are part of the value chain, from farmers, workers, employees, the models that showcase the products until the very wellbeing of yourself. Advancing the human capabilities to live a healthy and safe life is the core of this impact area. Renoon helps you contribute by finding brands and products that adhere to standards, certifications and are active in the space through genuine initiatives indicated in each and everyone of them.

ethical labor
women empowerment
small businesses
made in europe
support communities
Animal Ethics

Being considerate for the wellbeing of animals linked to the products we buy. From the five freedoms of the animals to completely vegan products, discover different ways you can take responsibility for the animals while shopping fashion. As everything is interconnected at some point, choosing products that take into account the well treatment of animals from their farming stage has an impact on biodiversity, the protection and restoration of wildlife.

responsible animal origin
mulesing free
Innovation & Tech

Science and technology: the powerful tools through which we discover and explore innovation. For the clothing you buy, you can choose to have an impact by supporting the rate to which new materials and technologies are used. A new type of vegetable skin is created? Be one of the first to know when a brand is using it to create unique and exciting products that might shape the way fashion is made in the future.

materials of the future
block chain traced
Modern Consumption

Around €150 million worth of textile waste goes to landfill and waste each year. We all have clothes we have barely worn. Shopping pre-owned fashion, renting our next occasion dress or choosing brands that create collections only once/twice a year instead of producing a multitude of them are some of the ways to be part of the circular or modern economy. Accessing fashion brands in more sustainable ways can have a positive impact on the environmental and social areas as well. Discover below when it is best to borrow items or buy second hand or new, as well as other ways to be part of the sharing economy, in which we make the best out of the clothes that have already been produced.

slow fashion
closing the loop
transparent pricing

What is Renoon?

A new way to discover and shop fashion responsibly

Renoon is a leading app for sustainability and fashion. We connect our members with the multitude of brands and platforms to simplify and enrich the experience of combining style with sustainability values.

A destination and community launched in 2021, guiding thousands of members in their sustainability journey. Renoon is not yet another shop; it’s an entire universe of values, untold stories about sustainability and a cohesive place where intentions become reality.

Edit and personalize the sustainability topics you care about the most in the free app.

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